Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) - Odisee
Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) - Odisee

Kristof Van Rossem

Short bio
As an independent trainer, Kristof coaches dialogue and reflection processes in organizations (profit and non-profit). He specializes in the art of asking questions and in Socratic conversation. Together with Hans Bolten, he leads an annual training to become a Socratic discussion leader, including at the International School of Philosophy. He has published on practical philosophy, dialogue and reflection in organizations. Kristof is a lecturer at the Specific Teacher Training Program in Social Sciences and Philosophy at the KULeuven, where he supervises an annual seminar "philosophizing with children and young people". Kristof is a lecturer in business ethics at Odisee Hogeschool Brussel. Kristof holds a Masters in Religious Studies and a Masters in Philosophy.

Contact details 

Important publications 
  • (2014) Socratisch Beraad (met Hans Bolten) in Van Dartel, Molewijk, B. (2014). In gesprek blijven over goede zorg. Amsterdam: Boom. p.96-112
  • (2009) Langer, harder of anders werken? Arbeidscultuur van de toekomst (red.), Tertio, Antwerpen
  • (2005)‘Zo gezegd zo gedaan, trainen in integriteit’. Samen met Hans Bolten. In: EthischePerspectieven15 (2005)1, p. 34-46, Peeters, Leuven.
Center for Sustainable
02 609 88 64