Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) - Odisee
Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) - Odisee

Expertise 1

Sustainable Entrepreneurship

CenSE supports organizations to systematically translate contemporary trends and challenges into sustainable business operations. This sustainable business also means that it fits in with the United Nations Sustainability Agenda and gives substance to the sustainability objectives (SDGs) formulated therein.

Current projects

Eco Insights

Citizens’ science as an opportunity to foster the transition to sustainable food systems

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Experiment Garden

The Experiment Garden creates a healthy learning environment around food skills for children, students and local residents. Students conduct workshops there and learn essential skills to communicate well to different target groups. Partners of the Ghent coalition on sustainable and healthy food cooperate so that the Experiment Garden is a connecting factor between the many organisations and locals in the vicinity.

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Sustainable intrapreneurship

Sustainable intrapreneurs are employees and managers who are pulling the cart for sustainable change in their organisation. However, this does not always go smoothly. Actions get delayed because they lack time themselves or depend on others. They either lack expertise, or there is too little budget. Colleagues are not convinced, or management requires a business case first. And change is all too often only short-lived. If you don't maintain them or integrate them sustainably, business as usual quickly returns. In this project, we examine how sustainable intrapreneurs create change in their organisations. And how they can integrate that change into the organisation's system.

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Past projects

European crayfish in recirculation systems

In this project we will investigate at which temperature, light regime, water quality, density and environment mature European lobsters need to be cultivated in order to grow optimally and what nutrition is needed for this.

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The Aqua-ERF started in 2009 with research into the breeding of freshwater cod. From these AquaVlan and EFF studies we have gained a lot of knowledge and experience about this fish in its various life stages.

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Taste, well-being and cultivation of crayfish

Within the first PWO project that focused on the cultivation of European crayfish (Astacus astacus) in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS), a whole series of breeding parameters were investigated, with an emphasis on the juvenile phase of the breeding.

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Coordinator expertise sustainable entrepreneurship : Bart Henssen

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  • [2019 - EN] Debackere, E., Henssen, B., Broekaert, W. (2019). Family Firms and their Keys to Longevity: Historical Evidence and Future Guidelines. Presented at the Belgian Entrepreneurship Research Day (BERD), Louvain-la-Neuve, 03 May 2019-03 May 2019. 
  • [2019 - EN] Pittino, D., Chirico, F., Henssen, B., Broekaert, W. with Pittino, D. (corresp. author) (2019). Does Increased Generational Involvement Foster Business Growth? The Moderating Roles of Family Involvement in Ownership and Management. European Management Review. doi: 10.1111/emre.12366 
  • [2018 - EN] Broekaert, W., Henssen, B., Lambrecht, J., Debackere, K., Andries, P. (2018). Limits to psychological ownership in the family business. Journal of Family Business Management, 8, Art.No. 2, 196-216. doi: 10.1108/JFBM-12-2017-0042 
  • [2018 – EN] Henssen, B. (2018). Challenges for Family Business in the Digital Economy. Sustainability in the digital age. Presented at the Family Business Symposium, Perth, Australia, 25 Sep 2018-27 Sep 2018. 
  • [2018 – EN] Reheul, A-M., Van Caneghem, T., Van den Bogaerd, M., Verbruggen, S. (2018). Economic Consequences of Hiring an Auditor With Industry Expertise: An Empirical Analysis Among NPOs. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47 (1), 126-145. doi: 10.1177/0899764017737382 Open Access 
  • [2017 - EN] Henssen, B., Ceja, L., Koiranen, M. (2017). The role of Joy at Work in the family business succession process: An exploration of its dimensions and antecedents. Presented at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy Annual Conference, Zadar, 28 Jun 2017-01 Jul 2017. 
  • [2017 - EN] Van den Bogaerd, M. (2017). Nonprofit organizations and the global financial crisis: an empirical analysis of a trade credit redistribution effect. Presented at the Multinational Finance Society, Cyprus, 07 Apr 2017-09 Apr 2017. 
  • [2016 - EN] Broekaert, W., Andries, P., Debackere, K. (2016). Innovation processes in family firms: the relevance of organisational flexibility. Small Business Economics, 47, 771-785. doi: 10.1007/s11187-016-9760-7 Open Access 
  • [2016 - EN] Broekaert, W., Lambrecht, J., Henssen, B. (2016). Family firms after the financial and economic crisis: Did they weather the Great Recession? (9-9). Presented at the 12th workshop on family firm management research, Zwolle, 13 May 2016-14 May 2016.
  • [2015 - EN] Broekaert, W., Henssen, B., Lambrecht, J., Andries, P., Debackere, K. (2015). The role of psychological ownership during change processes in family businesses. In: Tradition and Innovation in Family Business. Presented at the International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) Annual Conference, Hamburg. 
  • [2011 - EN] Van den Bogaerd, M., Aerts, W. (2011). Applying machine learning in accounting research. Expert Systems with Applications, 38 (10), 13414-13424. 
  • [2010 - EN] Henssen, B., Voordeckers, W., Lambrechts, F., Koiranen, M. (2010). Agency and psychological ownership in family firms: Governance and performance issues. In: A. Gambardella, M. Zollo (Eds.), Proceedings EURAM '10 Conference: vol. 10. Presented at the EURAM Annual conference 2010, 01 Jan 2010-01 Jan 2010. 
  • [2008 - EN] Wauters, B., Lambrecht, J. (2008). Barriers to refugee entrepreneurship in Belgium: towards an exploratory model. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 34 (6), 895-915. 
  • [2020 – NL] Lambrecht, J. (2020). Economie. De essentie zonder formules. Lannoo. ISBN: 978-94-014-6664-6. (professional oriented) 
  • [2019 – NL] Riepl, W., Broekaert, W. (contr.), Lambrecht, J. (contr.) (2019). Familiebedrijvenbarometer onderzoekt het sentiment in familiebedrijven: ‘Het pessimisme neemt toe’. Trends, 32-34. 
  • [2018 - NL] Lambrecht, J. (2018). Tien specifieke uitdagingen voor familiebedrijven. Accountancy & Tax, (1). 
  • [2018 - NL] Riepl, W., Broekaert, W. (contr.), Lambrecht, J. (contr.) (2018). Familiale bedrijven zijn optimistischer dan niet-familiale. Trends, 86-88. 
  • [2017 – FR] Lambrecht, J., Lievens, J. (2017). Quand la famille délègue la gestion de sa société. 
  • [2017 – NL] Van Bastelaere, L., Henssen, B. (contr.), Mattheuws, C. (contr.) (2017). Ondernemers op hun best tussen 46 en 50. Dankzij ervaring, zelfvertrouwen en...fouten. 
  • [2016 – NL] Broekaert, W., Henssen, B. (2016). Hoe maak je van je medewerkers 'eigenaars'? VOKA Tribune, 22-22. Open Access 
  • [2016 – NL] Broekaert, W., Henssen, B. (2016). Groeikracht in familiebedrijven. Hoe een draagvlak voor verandering creëren bij werknemers. Antwerpen - Cambridge: Intersentia. ISBN: 9789400007116. (professional oriented) 
  • [2016 – NL] De Neef, G., Bessalah, D., Germonpré, L., Henssen, B., Saelens, E., Tiest, R., Van de Velde, A., De Neef, G. (Eds.) (2016). Ik verkoop mijn bedrijf. Wat nu? Antwerpen - Cambridge: Intersentia. ISBN: 9789400007390. (professional oriented) 
  • [2016 – NL] De Rouck, P., Lambrecht, J., Broekaert, W. (2016). Slechts een op de vijf ondernemers start opnieuw na faillissement. 
  • [2016 – NL] Vereecken, H., Broekaert, W., Henssen, B. (2016). Hoe psychologisch eigenaarschap stimuleren? Maak medewerkers psychologisch eigenaar van de verandering. HR Square, (163), 35-41. Open Access
  • [2014 – NL] Lambrecht, J. (2014). Small is Great. Niet groot maar groots ondernemen. Leuven: LannooCampus. ISBN: 9789401422215. (professional oriented) 
  • [2011 – NL] Lambrecht, J., Broekaert, W. (2011). Armoede bij zelfstandigen. Een kwantitatief en kwalitatief beeld. In: Armoede en sociale uitsluiting. Jaarboek 2011, (157-172). Leuven: Acco. ISBN: 9789033486128. (professional oriented) 
  • [2020 – NL] Crois, E. & Hennsen, B. Duurzame bedrijfstransformatie (2020). 
  • [2019 – NL] Lambrecht, J., Broekaert, W. (2019). Familiebedrijvenbarometer Degroof Petercam. Tweede editie. Familiebedrijvenbarometer Degroof Petercam. Tweede editie
  • [2018 – NL] Broekaert, W., Bakker, S., de Nooijer, M., Koomans van den Dries, A., Keygnaert, W., van Maldegem, A. (2018). Grenzeloos ondernemen. Onderzoek naar de ondersteuningsbehoeften van kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen bij het grensoverschrijdend ondernemen in de Euregio Scheldemond. 1-27.
  • [2016 – NL] Crois, E., Molderez, I., Brabant, K. (contr.) (2016). Ecodesign in het hoger onderwijs. EHBO-kit voor economische opleidingen. Summer School Sustainable Management. Mechelen: OVAM / Departement Leefmilieu, Natuur en Energie.. Open Access 
  • [2016 – NL] Lambrecht, J. (2016). 100-jarige familiebedrijven. Hun 10 lessen voor een langdurig bestaan. Kortrijk: IFB. 
  • [2014 – NL] Lambrecht, J., Henssen, B., Degadt, J. (2014). Ondernemerschap en zelfstandigen in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest. Brussel: ADMB, ZENITO. 
  • [2012 – NL] Lambrecht, J., Van Caillie, D., Arijs, D., Molly, V., Broekaert, W., Arnould, S., Riguelle, F. (2012). Beleidsaanbevelingen ter ondersteuning van ondernemers in moeilijkheden. Open Access 
  • [2011 – NL] Lambrecht, J., Broekaert, W. (2011). Wat maakt familiebedrijven succesvol? 20 jaar wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar familiebedrijven. 

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